Retired Bloodhounds
The question we are frequently asked is "what happens to the hounds if they won't hunt, or get too slow to keep up?" Well there are a number of possibilities. SDB hounds are very much in demand because they have been exclusively bred for work, rather than winning prizes at hound shows. Because of this, they are very much in demand by hunts that have very tight countries, so need slower hounds, or new hunts starting up that need good reliable hounds to teach them the ropes. In the last 20 years we have helped 5 new packs start up. But that's NOT the only option!

Bloodhounds have the most amazing temperaments and love human being, as they see as toys put-on this earth to entertain them! Many people do not want to go through all the bother of raising and trying puppies, so we have a constant stream of people who want a retired bloodhound. As long as a hound due to be retired is fit and healthy, and has a reasonable life expectancy, we can find hones for them to end the days with affection and comfort. Homes are carefully vetted to see they are a good match for the hound in question. They can take a while to settle in to their new environment, but once they do, you have a faithful friend for quite a few years, god willing.

Now let's be clear, these hounds have been born and raised in a kennel and pack environment, so they can take a while to settle. A rehomed bloodhound needs consistency, love and patience, you don't get scenes like these pictures overnight. But once you build that bond, they will love you and yours forever. We make no charge for people taking a bloodhound, but people often make a donation to help with the maintenance of these hounds once they settle, and we are very grateful for that.