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Contacts & Who's Who

Senior Master & Huntsman

Mr J H Whaley (Jeremy) 2004


Hatch Barn, Alexanders Lane, Privett, Alton, GU34 3PW



07557 963338

Wearing the SDB hunt staff mustard uniform here, Jeremy is the Senior Master, Huntsman and owner of the SDB, having previously been a Master/Huntsman of The New Forest, then The Chiddingfold Leconfield and Cowdray, and then The Berwickshire, Foxhounds in Scotland, whereafter he decided to start his own pack of bloodhounds hunting the clean boot in Scotland in 2002, known as The Borders Bloodhounds. In 2004, he brought his hounds south and renamed them The South Downs Bloodhounds.


Pictured here, he is on probably his favourite horse, Nutty, who is also known as "the shopping trolley", due to is directional impredictability.


Now in his 43rd year of hunting hounds, his proud boast is that he may not be the best huntsman in the country, but he's probably the oldest!

Jeremy Whaley, huntsman of The South Downs Bloodhounds

Joint Master & Honorary

Hunt Secretary

Mrs S J Heighes (Sam) 2015


23 York Close, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3YR



07920 108162

Sam Heighes, Joint Master of The South Downs Bloodhhounds.

Seen here wearing a SDB Master's coat, Sam is the daughter of Jeremy and never stood a chance really being press ganged into being Honorary Hunt Secretary before also taking on the role of a Joint Master in 2015.


Sam has also spent many years working with horses and turning them out to a very high standard for hunting, before coming to her senses and getting a better paid, warmer and drier job in marketing.  Nonetheless, in her 'spare time' she not only prepares her own horse for but her fathers as well.  As if this is not enough, she does all the tack as well.


There are those who say her temperament takes after he father, but never within her hearing.

Joint Master & Field Master

Mrs K J Robinson (Kate) 2022


Manor Farm, Old Coach Road, Bulford, Wiltshire. SP4 9DB



07711 321168

Kate Robinson, Field Master of The South Downs Bloodhounds

In 2019, Kate's husband, Symon, joined the Mastership and played a major role in developing the hunt to where it is now, before his tragic death in in 2022. During that time, Kate worked closely with Simon and we are very lucky she agreed to take on his role in 2022.


Kate has not only continued to manage the country Symon opened up, but she is also opening up exciting new country as well.


Kate is also our main jumping Field Master (seen here wearing the SDB jumping Field Master's coat) on either Guidam or Brewster and has that knack of giving the Field a good ride without interfering with the hound work. When Kate shouts "hold hard", you stop or you go home!


Kate has also been amazing at organising the jump building.  She hasn't yet mastered the art of mortise and tenon joints, like Simon did, but, give her time..........

Joint Master & Whipper-in

Mr K Purkis (Kieran) 2023


36 Clover Lane







07766 553535

Kieran Pukis, Joint Master of The South Downs Bloodhounds

Seen here wearing a SDB Master's coat, Kieran has been amateur whipper-in to a number of foxhound packs and two bloodhound packs, including the SDB, where he still whips-in as well as being a Joint Master.


As well as whipping-in to Jeremy, Kieran has introduced and organised a number of new meets.


Pictured here riding his favourite horse, Ginger, who although he is 20 years old, he can put in a buck a 3 year old would be proud of!


Kieran has also hunted the SDB on one occasion, but Jeremy said he was too good, so won't let him do that again!

Quarry Captain &
Hunt Club Chairman

Mr N J Hudson  (Nick)


The Bell Tower

Blackmoor House

Sotherington Lane



GU33 6DA



07973 550741

Nick Hudson, Quarry for The South Downs Bloodhounds

Nick started off with the SDB as a mounted subscriber, riding a brute of a horse called Cobi (named after the 1992 Olympic mascot). Regularly seen out of control, eventually passing the Field Master, the Huntsman, the hounds and the Quarries, Nick decided he might have a bit more control of the pace if he got off his horse and ran!


I'm sure Nick would be the first to agree that he does not have the body of an olympian athlete, and he may not have the speed of Usain Bolt, but he has two qualities that make him an ideal Quarry - stamina and he will turn up every week come rain or shine.


The Senior Master has frequently questioned Nick's map reading skills - slightly worrying as he's also a pilot - but he has printed out and framed the words the SM used in an article about Quarrying - "Quarries are the most important people on the hunting field........."

Amateur Whipper-in

Mrs A L Pole. (Amanda)


St Margaret's Cottage

Bank Street

Bishop's Waltham


SO32 1AN




Amanda Pole, Amateur Whipper-in for The South Downs Bloodhounds

In 2016, Amanda started going to the kennels to help exercise the horses - little did she know what this would lead to!  Having ridden as a child, there had been a long break in her riding experience, and over her time at the kennels she has gone from being able to ride, to being able to 'make' good hunt horses.


It was not long before Amanda started hound exercise and then on to whipping-in.  Jeremy is the first to admit that he is not an easy person to whip in to, and if you last more than one season, you must be doing something right!


Amanda has not only built strong bonds with the horses she rides, but has also a strong bond with the hounds, who are happy to follow her if they get left behind - not easy when working with bloodhounds.


But perhaps Amanda's biggest claim to fame is that she has shouted back at the SM, and yet still has the use of both of her legs!

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