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Meets/Events Season 2024 -2025
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We are now in the closed part of the season and hunting will resume late August or beginning of September depending on the harvest.  For a full list of Summer events, please visit the Hunt Supporters website.

Please note, most meets have limited numbers available, so if you wish to ride at a meet, unless otherwise stated in the meet information, you must book in advance by clicking on the “Booking ref”, which will automatically open an email to, with the correct Booking ref, AND paying the appropriate cap once the Hon. Sec. has confirmed your place. By making a booking, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, printed on the booking acceptance email and available here. If you do not pay within 48 hours, your place will be given to someone else.  In the event of bad ground conditions, it may be that we have to reduce numbers even after you have booked, in which case you will receive a refund, or you may transfer your booking to another meet.  No refunds are made for cancellations with less than 48 hours notice, but you may transfer that place to someone else provided you do not sell your place for more than you have paid for it.

Saturday 24th August at 3pm prompt. The SDB Puppy Show at The Kennels, Hatch Barn, GU34 3PW

w3w intrigued.headstone.brands

A by invitation only, non fundraising social occasion, to which Landowners, Farmers, Subscribers, Hunt Club members and 

Hound Sponsors are automatically invited, as well as specially invited guests of the Masters. This is very much an old fashioned traditional Puppy Show, where guests are requested to dress smartly, with gentlemen wearing jackets and ties, and ladies summer dresses. Hats are optional. 

The time of year when we hunt our human Quarries that have got a bit 'tubby' due not being hunted in the summer. 😁  These are effectively training meets, where the young hounds learn from the older hounds what they are allowed to hunt.  It also helps the hounds and horses get fit, as the hunts are shorter.  First timers are recommended to see the 'First Time Guide" and other information through the "More Information' tab above.

Bank Holiday Monday 26th August, The Kennels, GU34 3PW.  8am

w3w intrigued.headstone.brands  Parking in the kennels field. Will be fine for boxes up to 7.5 ton and trailers, if you have a larger lorry you'd be better parking on the stubble on by the road and hacking up to the kennels. . BOOKING IN NOT NECESSARY, but please bring the correct cap in an  envelope with your name and either email address of phone number. Terms & Conditions apply.


Sunday 1st September.  Cobbs Farm, Bishops Sutton, SO24 0AO.  8am. (a short day - 2 hunts)
w3w - dumplings.steers.rinses Parking at the meet, gate will be open at 7.30am 
BOOKING IN NOT NECESSARY, but please bring the correct cap in an  envelope with your name and either email address of phone number. Terms & Conditions apply.

Sunday 8th September, The Kennels, GU34 3PW.  8.30am

w3w intrigued.headstone.brands  ALL parking in the kennels field. BOOKING IN NOT NECESSARY, but please bring the correct cap in an  envelope with your name and either email address of phone number. Terms & Conditions apply. 

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. 


To celebrate 20 years of the South Downs Bloodhounds, we are organizing a sponsored quarry walk/run of the South Downs Way – the aim is to raise money for the hunt and also for Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute. We also want to advertise the sport of ‘Hunting the Clean Boot’ as a legal alternative to trail hunting as we seldom gain media attention.

The event will begin on Saturday 14th September at Beachy Head, with 5 different teams of quarry completing approximately 20 mile sections in a continuous relay finishing on Sunday 15th September at about 3pm. For the last mile of the route, we are hoping for a few hounds and mounted hunt staff, with 5 mounted followers to walk behind the final quarry team. Although the actual end point of the SDW is in Winchester, this is not a suitable location for hounds and horses so we are hoping to end the walk at Cheesefoot Head, with other walkers also doing the route back up from Winchester.  You can give your much needed support to this fund raiser here.

Saturday 14th September, Hounds being paraded on foot at Ramsey Show​


Sunday 15th September, Grange Farm, Tichborne, @ 4.30 pm after the Sponsored Quarry Challenge.

w3w parking arrangements to follow.

Sunday 22nd September tba

Sunday 29th September tba

Sunday 6th October tba

Sunday 13th October, Hurst Farm, Privett. GU34 3PL @ 12 noon

w3w - paddlers.graphic.mealtime

Parking at the meet, please observe signs,

Terms and conditions apply.

No riders without booking in.  Booking Ref. HF131024

Sunday October 20th, tba

Sunday 27th October, Milton Hill Farm, Pewsey. SN9 6LZ. @ 12 noon

w3w - honeybees.imposing.king

Parking at the meet.

Terms and conditions apply.

No riders without booking in.  Booking Ref. MH271024

Sunday 3rd November, tba

Sunday 10th November, Kingsclere, Near RG20 5PY. @ 1pm (Remembrance Sunday)

w3w - tamed.surgical.messy

Parking at the meet.

Terms and conditions apply.

No riders without booking in.  Booking Ref. KC101124

Sunday 17th November, tba


Sunday 24th November, tba


Sunday 1st December Cranborne Manor, BH21 5PP @ 12 noon

w3w cushy.defender.reduce

Parking details to follow.

Terms and conditions apply.

No riders without booking in.  Booking Ref. CM011224

Sunday 8th December Rockley Manor, Marlborough. SN8 1RT @12 noon

w3w - isolating.purist.pacifist

Parking at the meet.

Terms and conditions apply.

No riders without booking in.  Booking Ref. RM081224

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